whose dog is this?do you know?i don not know who is its m----.he often goes running in the m-----.i like making -----(friend)with different kinds of people.Tom is the---(one)boy to find the anser.I am--- --- ---this cat。我是这只猫的主人They are --- --- ---。他们在互相打招呼This is our --- --- --- and we are very happy。这是我们第一节英语课,我们非常开心。


whose dog is this?do you know?i don not know who is its m----.
he often goes running in the m-----.
i like making -----(friend)with different kinds of people.
Tom is the---(one)boy to find the anser.
I am--- --- ---this cat。我是这只猫的主人
They are --- --- ---。他们在互相打招呼
This is our --- --- --- and we are very happy。这是我们第一节英语课,我们非常开心。

master (主人)
morning (早上)
friends (朋友)
first (第一)

5.the master of
6.greeting each other
7.first English lesson