第三人称用is,has,复数用have,are?但是怎样区别是第三人称还是复数呢?但是有时复数也用has吗举个例子,the teacher as well as the students has gone to the playground.这里用的是has那我是不是把the students当成单数看呢?every boy and ervery girl knows that、、、这里是两个人应该用复数呀?writing stories and articles is what i enjoy most.这是用is,stories是复数,应该用are?


举个例子,the teacher as well as the students has gone to the playground.这里用的是has那我是不是把the students当成单数看呢?
every boy and ervery girl knows that、、、这里是两个人应该用复数呀?
writing stories and articles is what i enjoy most.这是用is,stories是复数,应该用are?