Well the winter holiday is about to end,and I haven’t finished most of my homework!Now I want to look back at what I did in this holiday.In the first week,I played a lot with Yeeta.We went to bookstores and bought a lot of books.Some times he came to my house and we did homework together.I normally chatted with friends from Australia on the internet via MSN.I have a lot of friends on MSN every day.Some weeks later,my mum went out to buy train tickets


Well the winter holiday is about to end,and I haven’t finished most of my homework!Now I want to look back at what I did in this holiday.
In the first week,I played a lot with Yeeta.We went to bookstores and bought a lot of books.Some times he came to my house and we did homework together.I normally chatted with friends from Australia on the internet via MSN.I have a lot of friends on MSN every day.
Some weeks later,my mum went out to buy train tickets to go back to my hometown.But because it’s the New Year,train tickets for anywhere are hard to buy.Finally my mum bought bus tickets instead although my dad doesn’t like the bus.Why bus tickets are easy to buy?Firstly bus tickets are more expensive than train tickets.Secondly train is safer than bus.On the bus we watched some funny films.I remember one of them was called “Master of Duelers”.Due to film showing,the trip seemed shorter than it properly was.When we arrived at my hometown,we celebrated the Spring Festival,which I will give further details in my next composition.
Well my winter holiday is ending,so I have to finish my homework fast.I learned a lot from this holiday.And also I realized,it’s important to organize your own time otherwise you won’t have enough time to finish your homework!I have to make a schedule for the summer holidays.


寒假快结束了,但我还没有做完我大部分的作业,现在我想看一看这一个假期我到底做了什么。第一周,我经常和Yeeta一起玩.我们在书店买了很多书. 有时,他来我家和我一起写作业. 通常我通过MSN(一种聊天工具)于我在澳大利亚的朋友聊天. 我每天在MSN上有很多朋友。
几个星期后,我妈妈去买回老家的火车票。不过在春节期间, 任何地方的火车票都很难买到. 最后,虽然我爸爸不喜欢做车,但妈妈还是买了车票代替火车票。为什么车票那么容易买到呢?首先,车票比火车票贵很多。第二,坐火车比坐汽车要安全。在车上我们看了很多有趣的电影. 我记得其中一部电影叫作"决斗者之王"。因为看电影,使得旅程显得比真正地要短. 当我们到达我的家乡时,我们庆祝了春节,更详细的内容,我会写在我的下一篇日记里。
我的寒假即将结束,所以我必须赶快做完我的寒假作业。我在这次寒假中学到了很多东西。 我也明白到,在你不够时间写作业时,安排好自己的时间表是非常重要的。我必须为我的暑假做一张计划表。

涌出寒假将结束,并且我没完成大多数我的家庭作业!现在我想要看什么我做了在这个假日.在第一星期,我很多演奏了与Yeeta .我们去书店和买了很多书.某个时候他走向我的房子并且我们一起做了家庭作业.我与朋友通常聊天了...

涌出寒假将结束, 并且我没完成大多数我的家庭作业! 现在我想要看什么我做了在这个假日。
在第一星期, 我很多演奏了与Yeeta 。 我们去书店和买了很多书。 某个时候他走向我的房子并且我们一起做了家庭作业。 我与朋友通常聊天了从澳洲在互联网通过MSN 。 我有很多朋友在MSN 每天。
不少星期以后, 我的妈咪出去买火车票去回到我的故乡。 但因为这是新年, 火车票为任何地方是困难买。 我的妈咪改为最后买了公共汽车票虽然我的爸爸不喜欢公共汽车。 为什么公共汽车票容易买? 首先公共汽车票比火车票昂贵的。 火车比公共汽车第二安全的。 在公共汽车我们观看了一些滑稽的影片。 我记住他们的当中一个称"主要Duelers" 。 由于影片陈列, 旅行比它适当地似乎短。 当我们到达了在我的故乡, 我们庆祝了春节, 哪些我将给进一步细节在我的下构成里。
涌出我的寒假结束, 如此我必须快速地完成我的家庭作业。 我很多学会了从这个假日。 并且我并且体会, 它重要组织您自己的时间您否则不会有足够时间完成您的家庭作业! 我必须做日程表为暑假。