( )填介词 We're going to the cinema.Do you want to go ( )us?I have bought a new camera.It's worth much( )it.He’ll fly( )Tokyo the week( )next.I can’t decide( )the moment.She spoke( )her boss the day before yesterday.Mike has been ill( )a long time.He has been in hospital( )two months ago.


( )填介词 We're going to the cinema.Do you want to go ( )us?
I have bought a new camera.It's worth much( )it.
He’ll fly( )Tokyo the week( )next.
I can’t decide( )the moment.
She spoke( )her boss the day before yesterday.
Mike has been ill( )a long time.He has been in hospital( )two months ago.

The park is next( )the restaurantdad. ,The park is next(to )the my mom and dad

We're going to the cinema.Do you want to go (with )us?I have bought a new camera.It's worth much( of )it.He’ll fly( to )Tokyo the week( after )next.I can’t decide( at )the moment.She spoke( t...