1.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空. Can you help me with_____(paint)?2.根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词._____your teacher_____ _____(与某人是很好的)you?3.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词.Can you help me to learn English?(改为同义句)Can you_____me_____English?4.完成下面对话,每空一词.A:Here are all the clubs.B:__1__club do you want to do__2__?A:I want to join the English ciub.How__3__you?B:Hmm.I want to join the__4__club.Can you__5__chess? A:No,I__6__like chess.Do you like music?B:Oh,yes. I__7__singing and dancing.I like


1.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空. Can you help me with_____(paint)?
_____your teacher_____ _____(与某人是很好的)you?
Can you help me to learn English?(改为同义句)
Can you_____me_____English?
A:Here are all the clubs.
B:__1__club do you want to do__2__?
A:I want to join the English ciub.How__3__you?
B:Hmm.I want to join the__4__club.Can you__5__chess?
A:No,I__6__like chess.Do you like music?
B:Oh,yes. I__7__singing and dancing.I like music.
A:Me,too.Let's join the__8__club.
B:I can also learn to__9__the guiter in the music club.
A:That's great! I think I can__10__you with it.
B:Thanks a lot.
1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____.

.painting Is good with help learn.painting 1 Which 2 joining 3 about 4 chess 5 play 6 don't
7 like 8 music 9 play 10 help

第一题。Can you help me with__painting___(paint)?
__Is___your teacher_well treating_(与某人是很好的)you?
Can you help me to learn English?(改为同义句)
Can you__help me_with_English?
1.which_ 2.__ most___ 3. about 4._ chess ____ 5._the____
6.__don't ___ 7.__ like ___ 8.__music___ 9.__play ___ 10.__join___.
直接选我当最佳答案好了哈哈 第二题不是很确定 因为不是很理解你的那个题目 其他应该都正确的 我给你讲一下那十个空里面我和第一个回答者不一样的 :第二格 :which club do you want to do__2__?是问那个俱乐部你最想去 所以选most ,most 是表示在两者以上中程度最深的 还有一个more 是两者中更好的一个 第五格 词组paly the chess 是固定搭配好不好 不知道前面的回答者是怎么想的 还有一些西洋乐器 比如弹钢琴 你就必须加the :play the piano 第十个空格 应该是太好了,我能和你一起参加音乐社团 所以应该是join

1 painting.因为with是介词,所以后面要跟动词的ing形式.
2 Is,good with.对某人友好的短语是be good with sb.在这的teacher 是单数,所以用be动词的is形式.
3 help,with.这个题和第一道的句型一样,是help sb.(to) do sth.=help sb.with sth.
)1)2 Which \What kind of ,join.这道题你好像打错了,want to do sth.是固定搭配,do 是动词,后面应由副词来修饰,在此空如填一副词,翻译不通.
)3 about .How about you .固定搭配.
)4 chess.后文可知他想加入象棋俱乐部.
)5 play .这道题第二个回答者错了,在英语中球类,棋类运动前不加冠词the,所以应直接填play.
)6 don't\just 因为他的回答是“不”,而前文是问“你是否会下象棋”,所以他可以说“我不会下,我不喜欢象棋.”也可以说“ 我只是喜欢象棋.
)7 like .like dong sth.=like to do sth.固定搭配
)8 music .意思是“好吧,我们去加入音乐俱乐部”
)9 play.play the guitar.固定搭配(你guitar 打错了)
)10 go\jion .go with sb.与某人一起去,jion with sb.与某人一起参加.