Translate the following sentences into English.the words and expressions in brackets may help you.1.他们去年出国工作了半年,因为有并没能结束工作就回来了.(because of)2.他们已经请求国际援助.(request)3.带着有礼貌的微笑,维多利亚走进房子,关上了门.(polite)4.蒂姆喜欢发号施令,但是我们没人愿意听他的.(give commands)5.贝蒂说她今天上午来我家,可是刚才她来电话说不能来了.因为孩子出事故,她必须送他去医院.(come up)


Translate the following sentences into English.the words and expressions in brackets may help you.
1.他们去年出国工作了半年,因为有并没能结束工作就回来了.(because of)
4.蒂姆喜欢发号施令,但是我们没人愿意听他的.(give commands)
5.贝蒂说她今天上午来我家,可是刚才她来电话说不能来了.因为孩子出事故,她必须送他去医院.(come up)

1. Because of their illnesses, they returned early from working abroad for half a year.
2. They have already requested international aid.
3. With a polite smile, Victoria went into the house and closed the door.
4. Tim loves to give commands, but no one likes to listen.
5. Betty says she was going to come to my house this morning, but she just phoned me and said that she could not come. Because something came up with her child, she must take him to the hospital.

1. They went abroad last year having worked be back for the half a year, because of having being not able to end a job. (Because of) 2. They already request that international support. (Request) 3. , have closed the door to walk into a house with courteous smile , Victoria. (Polite) 4. Dim likes to call the shots, but we there is nobody being ready to listen to him. (Give commands) 5. But Betty said she comes to my family this morning, she comes to telephone a short while ago speak can not have come. Because of the child puts up an accident, she must send him to get rid of a hospital. (Come up

1. Last year, they work abroad for half a year, because there is no end to work on the back. (Because of) 2. They have requested international assistance. (Request) 3. With a polite smile, Victoria we...