定语从句of which which指代先行词吗?the + 名词 + of + which = whose +名词= of + which + the +名词 :I like the room whose window is very beautiful.I like the room the window of which is very beautiful.第二句,room 后面 要不要 加逗号断开呢?which 这里是做 关系代词,还是关系副词呢?which 指代的 先行词,是 room 2 A girl whose hands and feet are so cold.改成 of whom 怎么改啊.3 This is the book of which the cover was broken.This is the book the cover of which was broken.This is the book whose cover was broken.这里面的 which


定语从句of which which指代先行词吗?
the + 名词 + of + which = whose +名词= of + which + the +名词
:I like the room whose window is very beautiful.
I like the room the window of which is very beautiful.
第二句,room 后面 要不要 加逗号断开呢?
which 这里是做 关系代词,还是关系副词呢?
which 指代的 先行词,是 room
2 A girl whose hands and feet are so cold.
改成 of whom 怎么改啊.
This is the book of which the cover was broken.
This is the book the cover of which was broken.
This is the book whose cover was broken.
这里面的 which 都是指代前面的 book 这三个句子,是否 需要逗号 断开呢?
4 如果我把 前两个断开
This is the book of which the cover was broken.
This is the book,the cover of which,was broken.
非限制性定语从句,去掉从句 主句意思完整,
但这个 我如果 去掉,和不去掉 意思完全不一样了啊,一个是说书坏掉了 一个是说 书的封面坏了。
那这两句 还算 非限制定语从句么