It's very strange that-----the house are,the more people want to buy them,A the most expensiveB more expensive C the more expensive D much expensive.我知道答案是c,为什么,


It's very strange that-----the house are,the more people want to buy them,A the most expensive
B more expensive C the more expensive D much expensive.我知道答案是c,为什么,

the more+ 句子,the more +句子 越....,就越......

the more ...the more表示越怎么怎么样,就越怎么怎么样,上文译为:很奇怪,房子越贵,人们越想买。

the more 。。。。。,the more 。。。

the more..... ,the more .....两个比较级组成句子,固定结构,表示越。。。就越。。。

这句话的句型是the more ……the better/more 越……就越……多音节单词的比较级在该词前面加more如expensive的比较级就是more expensive然后套用该句型就是the more expensive the house are,the more people want ...