英语翻译请会的英语的好心人把下面这段汉文翻译成英文 【爱迪生生于1847年2月11日出生于俄亥的Milan.他小时候并不聪明,只上了3个月的学,但他平时勤于学习,善于思考.最后,他一生共创造了两千多项发明,其中最著名的就是电灯和留声机了.但不幸的是,他最终在1931年10月18日逝世了】


请会的英语的好心人把下面这段汉文翻译成英文 【爱迪生生于1847年2月11日出生于俄亥的Milan.他小时候并不聪明,只上了3个月的学,但他平时勤于学习,善于思考.最后,他一生共创造了两千多项发明,其中最著名的就是电灯和留声机了.但不幸的是,他最终在1931年10月18日逝世了】

Edison was born in 1847 was born on February 11 Milan. The Russian hai as a child, he was not very clever, only 3 months of study, but his usual deligently learning, good at thinking. Finally, his life were created two thousand inventions, the most famous is the lights and the phonograph. Unfortunately, he finally in 1931, died on October 18