she used to call on her grandma ___when she lived in the countryside.A another B the other day C every other day [全都要有分析!]2 ,I’d like ___cup of tea,pease.A other B the other C others D another3,I want __eggs.I have eaten too much.A no more B some more C much more D many more4,it’s very hot .please keep the door___.A open B opening C opens D opened5,we have to wait for the ___notice.A further B farther C far D farer6,people can’t jump ___ on the earth_


she used to call on her grandma ___when she lived in the countryside.
A another B the other day C every other day [全都要有分析!]
2 ,I’d like ___cup of tea,pease.
A other B the other C others D another
3,I want __eggs.I have eaten too much.
A no more B some more C much more D many more
4,it’s very hot .please keep the door___.
A open B opening C opens D opened
5,we have to wait for the ___notice.
A further B farther C far D farer
6,people can’t jump ___ on the earth___on the moon.
A so high;as B so high;like C so higher;as D so higher;than
7,this question is___more difficult than that one.
A fairly B also C very D far .
8,the policeman caught the thief by ___.
A his arm B arm C his arms D the arm
9,there is a on ___left of the picture.
A the B / C a D an
10,that evening___browns had __nice supper._ .
A the ;a B / ; / C / ; a D the ; /
11,I think you should apologize to Mr.smith,____sooner____better.
A a ;a B the ; the C the ; a D a ;the

1. C. every other day; 表示频率的“每隔一天”
2. D. another; 表示“再来一杯”
3. A. no more; 由后文的“我吃得太多了”判断,他是再也吃不下了
4. D. open; 因为天气很热,所以应该把门开着,keep the door open中的open是宾主补足语
5. A. further; 这里考查的是far的比较级,farther 和 further的不同在于,前者表示“距离”,后者 表示程度上的“远”,“更进一步的”
6. A. so high as; 考查的是副词的同级比较,表示“在地球上没有在月亮上跳得高”
7. D. far; 可以修饰比较级的副词有:even, a lot, much, many, a little等等,这里的far表示“比那个问题要难得多得多”
8. D. catch the thief by the arm; 表示“抓住那个小偷的胳膊”,类似的用法还有“beat him in the eye”“hit sb. in the face”"scratch her on the nose"等等
9. A. the; 在……的左边 要用 on the left of... 在……右边:on the right of... 在……前边:in front of... 在……后边:at the back of...
10. A. the; a ; 表示一家人要用 the + 姓氏+'s 的形式,如“格林一家”:the Green's; 后面的nice super可以用a,但没有nice修饰的时候,不可以用不定冠词,只能说have supper
11. B. the; the; the + 比较级,the + 比较级 表示“越来越……”

1、every other day意思是“每隔一天”,another,the other在此处都不合适,区分这两个词的用法一直都是考试的重点,两者意思都是“其他的另外的”,其中another是指三者或者三者以上的其他的另外的,the other是指两者之中的其他的,另外的。再有other和the other也都有“其他的另外的”意思,其中,前者是泛指,后者为特指。
4、keep the door open open在此处为形容词做宾补,意思是“开着的”。
10、the 加姓氏表“某某一家”,排除BC,一般早中晚饭之前无冠词,此处晚饭之前有修饰词nice故可加冠词,选A
11、"the adj.\adv.比较级.....the adj.\adv.比较级" 表示“越...越.....”我认为你应该及早向史密斯先生道歉,越早越好。

1.C 每隔一天 2.D 再来一杯 3.A no more 不再 4.A keep the door open 保持门开着,其中open 是形容词 5,.A 考察father 和 further 这里指抽象意义的进一步,用 further .father 表示具体意义的远.6.A as /so + 形容词...