求一篇原创英语《鲁滨逊漂流记》读后感 500字左右 -不要其他地方抄的分很高的.是英文版啊- -


求一篇原创英语《鲁滨逊漂流记》读后感 500字左右 -
是英文版啊- -

Robinson Crusoe".
" Robinson Crusoe" describes the protagonist Robinson in a navigation unfortunately suffered a storm, besides him, others are all killed. He was drifting to a no human habitation on the island. His heart was filled with helpless and lonely, do not know how to live on this island, but he continued to comfort themselves, with their own wisdom and courage, overcome numerous difficulties, his life continue, and found a lot of fun in life, when he gradually forgotten to get back to civilization in time, he got the chance of rescue ... ...
In the story, be firm and inflexible Robinson with their own efforts and the Hulk to find the tools in the wasteland, built homes, plays a wheat grain, raise the animal, completed the basic living needs. In the process he also encountered difficulties and setbacks, gave arduous work. For example, he is the two layer of wall house for almost a year of much time only built; in his first sow barley and rice seeding time, due to the time, these valuable inventory is wasted half; in order to dig a few cellar for the storage of fresh water, Robinson also worked hard for several months, in order to make a soup pot, he rack one's brains, try a variety of measures, also failed numerous times, discover making method; however, all these difficulties have been Robinson's firm and indomitable, never give up the spirit of conquest. The island like Robinson hand made things, together with all his efforts, he also can because every little success and joy unspeakable. Whenever I see these fragments, my inner feeling is not only a" admire" to describe, I really was Robinson conquest was extremely admire.
" Robinson Crusoe" this book, let me open a horizon, and let my heart is strong. As long as we like, like Robinson, not flinch in the face of difficulties, there are not afraid of difficulties in his spirit, in despair with survival faith, what we will not succeed? And what could be better than Robinson's encounter with the worse?
Now we're living in the hothouse flowers, there is no life has undergone a real setback, only experienced hardships, success can be a real strong man. This is the" Robinson Crusoe" tell me the truth.
