How do you spend your spare time?What activity will you choose to relax yourself?Why?希望各位有稍微长一点的答案,大概可以讲两三分钟.这是口语比赛的题!


How do you spend your spare time?What activity will you choose to relax yourself?Why?


I'd like to do some reading in my spare time,especial some fashion magzine.But if I have a day of time,I'll invite my friends to have a picnik or togo shopping.I always relax myself by playing tennis.It can make me feel exciting and help me to keep healthy.What's more,listening to some soft music is also a good way for me to relax myself.The wonderful melody can put me in a peaceful space in my mind。

Well,in my spare time,I usually do some sports.For one thing,I can build up my body,for another,I can relax myself.I am crazy about bungee jumping(蹦极),because I like the feeling it brings to me!I feel thoroughly relaxed from the daily stress.It's wonderful.Apart from bungee jumping,I'm also keen about yoga(瑜伽).Yoga has become a pretty popular activity among varied people.Yoga is widely spread and accepted especially by the white collar and students,who are usually under great stress.Yoga is a wonderful way to give off their bad mood.I really like yoga.
Besides,when I have extra time ,I will also read books and go jogging.To conclude ,my spare time is colourful and meaningful.
呵呵希望能有所帮助~因为是口语比赛,所以为了出彩选的运动我个人觉得应该有些特色,所以我没有泛泛的说swimming,singing,playing basketball之类的,而是选了蹦极和瑜伽.如有不妥之处,还望赐教:)
