1、Jim,you look worried.What's wrong with you?为毛worry要用过去式?2、You'd better find a pen pal if you don't get much writing practice.don't后面不是加动词原形吗,为什么write用现在分词形式,还有为什么练习又是原型.顺便 you'd的’d的是什么意思哦!3、It's important for us to learn English well.为什么要用for做连词后面为什么又要用动词不定式4、She doesn't have a pen to write with为什么又要动词不定式而后面还要加上with5、I don't have a partner to practice English with.为毛又要加with6、疑问词+to do sth 小弟膜拜中…………………………全副身家奉上………………再感叹一句,英语超级难学!


1、Jim,you look worried.What's wrong with you?为毛worry要用过去式?
2、You'd better find a pen pal if you don't get much writing practice.don't后面不是加动词原形吗,为什么write用现在分词形式,还有为什么练习又是原型.顺便 you'd的’d的是什么意思哦!
3、It's important for us to learn English well.为什么要用for做连词后面为什么又要用动词不定式
4、She doesn't have a pen to write with为什么又要动词不定式而后面还要加上with
5、I don't have a partner to practice English with.为毛又要加with
6、疑问词+to do sth