英语句子的题目:例句:Our homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer(comfortable)例句:Our homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer(comfortable),解答为Our comfortable homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer.1Cars will be small.(new) 2Machines will do work in factories.(heavy)3People will have holidays.(long) 4There will be winds in spring and autumn.(strong) 5We'll speak English.(good) 6Flying in planes will be cheap.(large)非常急需答案,今晚必须完成,虽然有点麻烦,


英语句子的题目:例句:Our homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer(comfortable)
例句:Our homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer(comfortable),解答为Our comfortable homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer.1Cars will be small.(new) 2Machines will do work in factories.(heavy)3People will have holidays.(long) 4There will be winds in spring and autumn.(strong) 5We'll speak English.(good) 6Flying in planes will be cheap.(large)非常急需答案,今晚必须完成,虽然有点麻烦,

1Cars will be small.(new)
The new cars will be small.新车会比较小.
2Machines will do work in factories.(heavy)
Machines will do heavy work in factories.机器在工厂是做重活的.
3People will have holidays.(long)
People will have long holidays.人们将会有长假.
4There will be winds in spring and autumn.(strong)
There will be strong winds in spring and autumn.春天和秋天会有很大的风.
5We'll speak English.(good)
We'll speak good English.我们以后会说很好的英语.
6Flying in planes will be cheap.(large)
Flying in large planes will be cheap.坐大型飞机会比较便宜.