英语翻译要翻译的英文:What's up the fans!I don't need an introduction because I am so famous,but my name is Le Shawnjames.I am the best basktball player in the word.I run around Kobe like he is child.I am the fastest runner,I can bounce the ball the best,I can jump the furthest and I got hops!All of my fans shout our my name like I am a king.I am the star performer and not this Bozo Lisa the Heat for free.I will catch you all there.


要翻译的英文:What's up the fans!I don't need an introduction because I am so famous,but my name is Le Shawnjames.I am the best basktball player in the word.I run around Kobe like he is child.I am the fastest runner,I can bounce the ball the best,I can jump the furthest and I got hops!All of my fans shout our my name like I am a king.I am the star performer and not this Bozo Lisa the Heat for free.I will catch you all there.

怎么了球迷!我不需要介绍因,为我这么有名,但是我的名字是勒Shawnjames . 我是最好的篮球的话球员我跑围绕科比好像他是孩子. 我是跑得最快的选手,我拍球拍的最好的,我能跳得最远的,我得到了贵冠,我们所有的歌迷们喊我的名字就像我是王我是耀眼的明星,他而不是这笨蛋丽莎热免费我要抓住你正常。


粉丝们怎么了?我不需要自我介绍因为我很出名,我是Le Shawnjames,世界闻名的篮球运动员,当科比还是小孩子的时候,我已经开始为我的篮球事业忙碌了。我是速度最快的运动员,我运球运的很好,我的弹跳力很好。所有我的粉丝为我的王者之风尖叫喝彩。我是一个明星,不像丽莎.波佐的廉价,我会一直抓住你的心。


粉丝们怎么了?我不需要自我介绍因为我很出名,我是Le Shawnjames,世界闻名的篮球运动员,当科比还是小孩子的时候,我已经开始为我的篮球事业忙碌了.我是速度最快的运动员,我运球运的很好,我的弹跳力很好.所有我的粉丝为...