英语的*,比较级!calm wild cheap cute late funny friendly hungry big thin red outgoing comfortable popular crowded fun bad/badly good/well many/much far little boring new nice dull creatire quiet near expensive急用啊!会的快答好的多给分!


calm wild cheap cute late funny friendly hungry big thin red outgoing comfortable popular crowded fun bad/badly good/well many/much far little boring new nice dull creatire quiet near expensive急用啊!会的快答好的多给分!

calm, calmer, calmest
wild, wilder, wildest
cheap, cheaper, cheapest
cute, cuter, cutest / cute, more cute, most cute
late, later, latest
funny, funnier, funniest
friendly, friendlier, friendliest
hungry, hungrier, hungriest
big, bigger, biggest
thin, thinner, thinnest
red, redder, reddest
outgoing more outgoing, the most outgoing
comfortable, more comfortable, most comfortable
popular, more popular, most popular
crowded, more crowded, most crowded
fun, funner, funnest
bad, worse, worst
badly, worse, worst
good, better, best
well, better, best
many, more, most
much, more, most
far, farther, farthest/ far, further, furthest
little, less,least
boring more boring the most boring
new, newer, newest
nice, nicer, nicest
dull, duller, dullest
creative more creative the most creative
quiet, quieter, quietest
near, nearer, nearest
expensive, more expensive,the most expensive
如果单词含有两个元音或者更多,比较级和*就不用变单词了,直接加more 和the most 就好了

calm,calmer,calmestwild,wilder,wildestcheap,cheaper,cheapestcute,cuter,cutest / cute,more cute,most cutelate,later,latestfunny,funnier,funniestfriendly,friendlier,friendliesthungry,hungrier,hungriestb...