Newadays it is so difficult for graduate students to find a jobNowadays it is so difficult for graduate students find a job that many high schools tend to teach students some skillful subjects,such as computer,business and communication,while reducing some traditional subjects,such as history,geography.Do you agree or disagree?Give your reasons.以此为题,写一篇英语作文~大家有什么建议?


Newadays it is so difficult for graduate students to find a job
Nowadays it is so difficult for graduate students find a job that many high schools tend to teach students some skillful subjects,such as computer,business and communication,while reducing some traditional subjects,such as history,geography.Do you agree or disagree?Give your reasons.


yes,I agree with you.

write "Newadays it is so difficult for graduate students to find a suitable job."工作可以找到,但找到一个合适的工作,很难.
Do you agree with me

I agree with you,too.