此处动词不定式在句子中的作用?1、 Joohson praised highly the freedom and opportunity ( to be found) in this new land .to be found 修饰 freedom and opportunity ,但是它是做 freedom and opportunity 的定语 状语 宾补 还是什么?为什么 2、 It is as imporant( to be successful ) in marriage as ti is (to come out) on top in business.这里的两个不定式是 定语 状语 宾补 还是什么?为什么


1、 Joohson praised highly the freedom and opportunity ( to be found) in this new land .
to be found 修饰 freedom and opportunity ,但是它是做 freedom and opportunity 的定语 状语 宾补 还是什么?为什么
2、 It is as imporant( to be successful ) in marriage as ti is (to come out) on top in business.
这里的两个不定式是 定语 状语 宾补 还是什么?为什么


to be found 在这里作定语,表示即将被找到的*和机会。
to be successful 和to come out on the top in business 在句子中作主语, 分别被形式主语it所替代。可以这样理解:
To be successful in marriage is as important as to come out on top in business.

1.作定语,to be found 是修饰freedom and opportunity的.翻译成,约翰逊高度赞扬了在这个新的国家(即将出现的)*与机遇.很显然,括号内是定语.
2.两个都做主语.还原回来的句子应该是:To be successful in marriage is as imporant as to come out on top in business.但是词句句子结构不平衡,因此我们通常用形式主语it去代替真正的主语动词不定式.