怎样判断先行词在定语从句中作表语 状语还是别的成分?给举几个例子……还有下面的五个小题,也顺便帮个忙1.Is this museum _____ you visited last Saturday?我资料的答案是the one,不用which么,2.I found some photos of interesting places_____were not far away from our city.这个填which,为什么不用where呢?3.The place____interested me most was the Children's Place.这个为嘛用which4.I can never forget the day_____we worked together and the day____we spend together.答案是when which 我不懂前后咋不一样……5.The farm___we see today is no longer the one___it


怎样判断先行词在定语从句中作表语 状语还是别的成分?给举几个例子……还有下面的五个小题,也顺便帮个忙
1.Is this museum _____ you visited last Saturday?我资料的答案是the one,不用which么,
2.I found some photos of interesting places_____were not far away from our city.这个填which,为什么不用where呢?
3.The place____interested me most was the Children's Place.这个为嘛用which
4.I can never forget the day_____we worked together and the day____we spend together.答案是when which 我不懂前后咋不一样……
5.The farm___we see today is no longer the one___it was ten years ago.答案是that that 第一个空不用which?

1.注意this~ 陈述句其实就是 this museum is _____ you visited... 缺了一个表语用代词 the one(that)替代 注意that可省略2.代替的是places 用代词which (同下)3.代替的是place 用代词which (同下)4.代替的...