Mike lives in the country,and he loves playing in the river near his house.But his father gets a job in a hospital in a big city,and he moves there with his family.Their new house has a garden,but the garden is very small.Mike is not very happy,“Is there a river near here?” he asked his mother on the first morning.“No,there isn’t.But there is a beautiful park near here,Mike ,and there is a pool in it.We are going there this afternoon.”Mike is happier


Mike lives in the country,and he loves playing in the river near his house.But his father gets a job in a hospital in a big city,and he moves there with his family.
Their new house has a garden,but the garden is very small.Mike is not very happy,“Is there a river near here?” he asked his mother on the first morning.
“No,there isn’t.But there is a beautiful park near here,Mike ,and there is a pool in it.We are going there this afternoon.”
Mike is happier now.
After lunch,Mike and his mother went to the park .Mike wanted to walk near the pool,but there was a sign in front of it.His mother read it to him:Warning:This pool is dangerous.46 people have fallen into it.Mike looked into the pool carefully,and said,“But I can’t see them.”
1.Where does Mike's father work now?
2.What does Mike like doing best?
3.Why is Mike happier now?
4.How do you understand the sentence "But I can 't see them.

1.He works in a hospital in a big city.
2.Mike likes playing in the river.
3.Becuse there is a park near their house.
4.The boy thinks that the 46 people who have fallen into the river are all in the river.

1.Where does Mike's father work now?He works in a hospital in a big city.2.What does Mike like doing best?He loves playing in the river.3.Why is Mike happier now?Because his mother told him that there...