


1.Reserve puppy as a pet
2.They have food and water?
3.Don't leave the poor children abandoned in the street.
4.I prefer purple scarf,but my cousin preferred brown.

Keep several dogs as pets
Do they have water and food?
Don't throw these poor children abandoned in the street.
I like purple scarves, but my cousin with like coffee.

Keep a few puppies as pets
Do they have water or food?
Don't leave the poor children on the street
I prefer purple scarfs while my cousin prefers the colour of coffee

keep several doggies as pet.
Do they have water and food?
Don't cast these pitiful children off on the street.
I like the purple scarf while my cousin like coffee one.

1.Keep a few dogs as pets.
2.They have water and food do.
3.Do not these poor children abandoned in the street.
4.I prefer the purple scarf,but my cousin with like brown