英语翻译中小民营企业员工激励问题及对策摘要:21世纪是知识经济的时代,与工业经济时代相比,人才问题受到了前所未有的高度重视,企业间的竞争与其说是产品、技术等方面的竞争,不如说是人与人之间的较量,人才的数量和质量决定了企业的发展.在人才竞争呈现国际化、全球化的今天,我国的民营企业如何吸引人才、留住人才,是关系到企业能否实现持续、稳健发展的重要问题.而解决这个人力资源管理问题的关键就是要建立与完善民营企业的员工激励机制,以达到吸引外来人才、留住优秀人才、激励有用人才、提高组织效率的作用.关键字:民营企业;员工; 激励机制


关键字:民营企业;员工; 激励机制

Employee motivation in small and medium-sized private enterprises in China
The 21st century is the times of knowledge-based economy. Compared with the times of industrial economy, it attaches far more importance to talents. Competitions among enterprises depend more on talents than products and technology. How many talents there are in an enterprise and how talented they are jointly determine the development of the enterprise. With the current trend towards globalization in talent competition, attracting talents plays an essential role in the steady development of numerous private enterprises in China. A thorny problem in human resources management is how to attract talents to work in the private enterprises. The key solution is the establishment and improvement of employee motivation mechanism so as to attract, keep and encourage talents and improve the efficacy of the enterprises.