Do you think museums are important to our lives?我认为博物馆对于我们很重要 它是对历史的见证,让我们这些人年轻人不忘记历史,很有教育意义.I regard museums are important to our lives,It is for history witness,后面不会说了帮忙弄下前面在修改下谢谢


Do you think museums are important to our lives?
我认为博物馆对于我们很重要 它是对历史的见证,让我们这些人年轻人不忘记历史,很有教育意义.I regard museums are important to our lives,It is for history witness,后面不会说了帮忙弄下前面在修改下谢谢

it is meaningful for the young not to forget the history!