阅读理解 One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children.He is very surprised阅读理解One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children.He is very surprised because all the children are wearing the same clothes—white caps,blue coat,and black trousers.“Are all the children yours?” he asks the woman.“Yes,they are.” she answers.“Do you always dress them in the same clothes?” asks Mr Brown.“Yes,” answers the mother.“When we had only four


阅读理解 One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children.He is very surprised
One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children.He is very surprised because all the children are wearing the same clothes—white caps,blue coat,and black trousers.
“Are all the children yours?” he asks the woman.
“Yes,they are.” she answers.
“Do you always dress them in the same clothes?” asks Mr Brown.
“Yes,” answers the mother.“When we had only four children,we dress them in the same clothes because we did not want to lose any.It is easy to see our children when they are among other children,because they are all wear the same clothes.And now,when we have ten,we dress them like this because we do not want to take other children home by mistake.When there are other children among ours,it is easy to see them,because their clothes are different.”
( )76.One day,Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with children.
A.on B.four C.twelve D.eight
( )77.The children are wearing coats,trouser and caps.
A.black; blue; white B.blue; black; white
C.white; blue; black D.white; black; blue
( )78.When Mr Brown sees all children wearing the same clothes,he is very .
A.sorry B.surprised C.surprising D.happy
( )79.It is easy to see the woman's children when they are among children.
A.other B.another C.the other D.others
( )80.When there are other children among the ten children,it is to see them.
A.difficult B.more difficult

76.答案是ten.选项给错了吧.文中第一句:One day Mr Brown sees a woman in the street with ten children.
77.B 第一段结尾:white caps,blue coat,and black trousers 顺序换了换而已.
78.B 第一段第二句话开头:He is very surprised because ...
79.A 最后一段第二排中间:It is easy to see our children when they are among other children
80.答案是easy 最后一段最后一句话:When there are other children among ours,it is easy to see them