I prefer a flat in Inverness to ___________in Perth ,because I want to live near my Mom’s .A .one B .that 详解选项B


I prefer a flat in Inverness to ___________in Perth ,because I want to live near my Mom’s .
A .one
B .that

the weather in beijing is hot ,but that in zhengzhou is pretty warm .
这里的that 就是指代weather 的。
同样,你的这道题里的that 就是指代a flat 的。

因为one是同类事物不同地点不同所有权时候的指代.代词that指代的是同一个物品,或者是独一无二的无法区分相同或者不同名词.比如the weather here is hotter than that of Beijing.可用来代替前面提到的事物(单数名词或者不可数名词),以避免重复这个名词,但必须是这一名词在第二次出现时有后置定语.如:
Their cotton output (产量) of 1999 was double that of 1998 .
The sweater he wears today is different from that he wore yesterday .
The study of idiom is as important as that of grammar .