我想问 use to和used to 和 be used to的用法1.he(is used to)(used to)work sixteen hours a day.2.i(use to)(used to)see him often.3.he always(uses)(used to)scented soap.4.he(used to)(is used to)buy two bars of chocolate a day.5.i could not stand the noise at first but i(am used to)(used to)it now.6.i(am used to)(used to)swimming in cold water.这些问题哪我自己都做了 可是我不知道对还是不对,大家帮我做一下一定要最正确的.还有一个问题是,they hoped to find buried treasure,they hoped they______it1.would find.2had


我想问 use to和used to 和 be used to的用法
1.he(is used to)(used to)work sixteen hours a day.
2.i(use to)(used to)see him often.
3.he always(uses)(used to)scented soap.
4.he(used to)(is used to)buy two bars of chocolate a day.
5.i could not stand the noise at first but i(am used to)(used to)
it now.
6.i(am used to)(used to)swimming in cold water.
这些问题哪我自己都做了 可是我不知道对还是不对,大家帮我做一下一定要最正确的.
they hoped to find buried treasure,they hoped they______it
1.would find.2had found.3 will find.4 are going to find.


used to do 过去常常做某事
be used to doing 习惯于做某事
be used to do被用来做某事

1.used to 2.used to3.uses4.used to 5.am used toused to do 的意思是,过去常常做某事,而现在不做了 be used to doing /sth 是习惯于(做)某事 的意思应该用would find,因为句子的谓语动词是一般过去时,对于他来...