将下列句子改成否定句和一般疑问句并作肯定回答She goes to school every day.She comes from America.We play football three times a week.对下列句子划线部分提问。She is _t_h_i_r_s_t_y_.She is _d_r_i_v_i_n_g _a _ _c_a_r_.


将下列句子改成否定句和一般疑问句并作肯定回答She goes to school every day.She comes from America.
We play football three times a week.对下列句子划线部分提问。She is _t_h_i_r_s_t_y_.She is _d_r_i_v_i_n_g _a _ _c_a_r_.

She doesn't go to school every day.Does she come from America? Yes,she does.
How often do we play football?
How is she?
What's she doing?

she did not goes to schoool every day. she is not come from America.
Did she goes to school every day?
she goes to school every day.
Is she comes from America?
she comes from America

1.She goes to school every day. 她每天都上学。
否定句:" she doesn't go to school every day." 她并不是每天都上学。
疑问句:" Does she go to school every day?" 她每天都上学么?
肯定回答:" Yes, she does." 是的,她每天都上学。
否定回答:" No, she doesn't." 不,她不是每天都上学。

2.She comes from America. 她是美国人。(她来自美国)
否定句:She doesn't come from America. 她不是美国人。(她不是来自美国)
疑问句: "Does she come from America?" 她是美国人么?
肯定回答: "Yes, she does." 是的,她是美国人。
否定回答:"No, she doesn't." 不,她不是美国人。


She goes to school every day.
否定句She doesn't go to school every day.
一般疑问句Does she goes to school every day?
Yes,she does.
She comes from America.
She doesn't come from America.
Does she come from America?
Yes, she does.

she doesn't go to school every day.
Does she go to school every day?
yes,she does.
She doesn't come from America
Does she come from America?
Yes,she does.