为什么They had built the bridge last year.语法错误.为什么They had built the bridge last year.语法错误?而They had built the bridge when we went there last year.语法是正确的


为什么They had built the bridge last year.语法错误.
为什么They had built the bridge last year.语法错误?而They had built the bridge when we went there last year.语法是正确的

这个涉及到过去完成时的用法,过去完成时必须是在表发生在过去的过去的事时才可用,那么就必须得有暗示词,第二句翻译,在我们去年到那儿的时候他们已经修了那座桥,修桥的动作发生在我们到那儿之前,有暗示词我们到那儿的时候,第一句有明显过去时的标志词last year,仅仅可以表过去,不能强调过去的过去,总而言之,句中如果要用过去完成时必须得有暗示这个动作发生在过去的过去的标志才行

They had built the bridge last year
had built是过去完成时
last year过去式
