he often (plays football) at 7:00 (on sunday)对划线部分提问 两个都要They usually (play football) (at7:00) in the morning对划线部分提问


he often (plays football) at 7:00 (on sunday)对划线部分提问 两个都要
They usually (play football) (at7:00) in the morning对划线部分提问

对 play football 提问: What do they usually do at 7:00 in the morning?
对 at 7:00 提问:What time do they usually play football in the morning?

一 what does he often do at 7 'clock in the morning ?
which day does he often play football at 7'clock?
二 what do they usually do at 7 'clock in the morning ?
when do they usually play football in the morning?

what does he often do at when does he often plays football at 7:00what do they usually do (at7:00) in the morningwhen do They usually (play football) in the morning