英语翻译生命灯是一种带照明的空气净化器和氧吧,能有效地消除室内装修产生的有害气体(苯、甲苯、甲醛、氡、氨等)及日常室内空气中的烟尘、烟雾(有效地预防“二手烟”对人身体的危害)、病毒、细菌、异味、臭味,吸烟产生的尼古丁等,同时可调节人体造血功能,促进肌体的新陈代谢,增强免疫力、消除疲劳、增强食欲.能够改变人类生态环境,让人们在家即可享受一份大自然森林般的新鲜空气!Why the Life Luminaire is called air cleaner and oxygen bar?1.Life Luminaire can dispel those noxious gases after the interior decorating.Such as benzene,toluol,formaldehyde,radon and ammania.2.Life Luminaire is also effective in dispelling nicotine from the soot and smog.


Why the Life Luminaire is called air cleaner and oxygen bar?1.Life Luminaire can dispel those noxious gases after the interior decorating.Such as benzene,toluol,formaldehyde,radon and ammania.
2.Life Luminaire is also effective in dispelling nicotine from
the soot and smog.
3.Life Luminaire can adjust the blood-producing function,stimulate the metabolism,enhance immune function,reliefe fatigue and Shappen your appetite.
Life Luminaire improve the ecological environment for human settlement.People will enjoy the fresh air at home.

Life is a kind of lamp lighting the air purifier and oxygen bar, can effectively eliminate interior decoration of the harmful gases (benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, radon, ammonia, etc.) and in the day-to-day indoor air of dust and smoke, smoke (effective prevention "passive smoking" on the physical hazards), viruses, bacteria, smell, the smell, the smoke, such as nicotine, and can regulate human hematopoietic function, and promote the body metabolism, enhance immunity and eliminate fatigue, increased appetite. Human Ecology to change the environment in which people can enjoy at home as a natural forest for the fresh air!