用which of,either of,neither of,both of四个词组各造一个句子.也就是说有四个句子.


用which of,either of,neither of,both of四个词组各造一个句子.也就是说有四个句子.

Which of those shirt is the best one?那些衬衫那件是最好的。
Eigher of two books,you can take.这两本本书你可以带走其中一本。
Neither of them is a teacher.他们两个都不是老师。
Both of us like reading story.我们两都喜欢读故事书。

Which of the books is yours?
You can take either of the apples
I know neither of the two boys.
Both of them are students
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Which of them is to your liking?them并一定是两个哦,下面的them全部指两个哈Either of them is to your liking?Neither of them is to your liking?both of 的结构与上面没有相信之处,只有:Both Tom and Jerez is...