一、补全对话 A:_______________?B:Yes,please.I'd like a pair of shoes.A:_______________?B:Black.A:Sorry.We don't have any shoes in black.___________?They are very nice.B:Well.I like blue.___________________?A:They are 55 yuan.B:OK.I'll take them.A:_____________.B:Thank you.


一、补全对话 A:_______________?B:Yes,please.I'd like a pair of shoes.
A:Sorry.We don't have any shoes in black.___________?They are very nice.
B:Well.I like blue.___________________?
A:They are 55 yuan.
B:OK.I'll take them.
B:Thank you.

A:___what color do you want____________?
A:Sorry.We don't have any shoes in black.How about these one______?They are very nice.
B:Well.I like blue.__________How much are they_________?
A:They are 55 yuan.
B:OK.I'll take them.
A:____Here you are_________.
B:Thank you.

1.can i help you ?
2.what colour do you want ?
3.what about other colours ?
4.how much are they ?
5.Here you are .

1.Can I help you / What can I do for you
2.What color do you want / What colour would you like
3.How about these blue ones
4.How much are they
5.Here is ther money.
不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢 !

1 What can I do for you ? / Can I help you?
2 What colour do you like ?
3 What / How about the blue ones ?
4 How much are they ?
/ How much do they cost ?
/ What's the price of them ?
5 Here you are .