Rotten apple didn't fall from the treeIf anyone could explain this phrase in either Chinese or English or sentence with great details ,you would certainly be rewarded by getting my bonus point.If you can give me some examples demonstrating in what context this phrase could be used,I am going to raise my bouns point as my way to express appreciation.哈哈 我只是想知道“Rotten apple didn't fall from the tree”这个短语是什么意思,不需要字面上的翻译,最好给我一些范例来解释这个短语是什么意思一楼和二楼 显然,不是叫你们把


Rotten apple didn't fall from the tree
If anyone could explain this phrase in either Chinese or English or sentence with great details ,you would certainly be rewarded by getting my bonus point.If you can give me some examples demonstrating in what context this phrase could be used,I am going to raise my bouns point as my way to express appreciation.
哈哈 我只是想知道“Rotten apple didn't fall from the tree”这个短语是什么意思,不需要字面上的翻译,最好给我一些范例来解释这个短语是什么意思
一楼和二楼 显然,不是叫你们把我的英语翻译出来。


