1.help ()to some bread,boys and girls have a good time here.A himself B herself C themselvesD.yourselves.2.china is a country()()()().中国是个历史悠久的国家.3.my father ()()()() twelve last night.昨天晚上12点我爸爸才回来.4.he look around for me .请问此题around能不能换成everywhere.5.she ()()() her son but couldn't ()him().


1.help ()to some bread,boys and girls have a good time here.A himself B herself C themselves
2.china is a country()()()().中国是个历史悠久的国家.
3.my father ()()()() twelve last night.昨天晚上12点我爸爸才回来.
4.he look around for me .请问此题around能不能换成everywhere.
5.she ()()() her son but couldn't ()him().