Imagine i'm in a store.How to ask the worker that they have or not what i want to the way...上面的句子,有错误吗..
Imagine i'm in a store.How to ask the worker that they have or not what i want to buy.
by the way...上面的句子,有错误吗..
有错误 or not 后便的 句子成分不对 而且 你想说什么 我也没看懂 假设我在一个商店里 如何问店员 你们这有什么 或者没什么 我买什么?你觉得这话通顺吗?
感觉怪怪的啊 如果是我 我会说how to ask the worker whether they have the thing that i want to buy.... 你是不是想要说:怎样问店员有没有我要的东西
"How TO" 改为 "how do I""ask the worker THAT they have or not " 改为 "ask the worker whether they have""worker" 有些别扭,建议staff 或 employee最后用问号连起来:Imagine I'm in a store. How do I ask the...