How long have you been in the team?A long time.It is almost three years since I ------the team.A.joined in B.joined C.was in D.was a member of选B但是不懂其他为什么不可以,


How long have you been in the team?A long time.It is almost three years since I ------the team.
A.joined in B.joined C.was in D.was a member of

How long have you been in the team? A long time. it is almost three years since I joined the team. A.joined in 译为加入了,是直接的一种方式。B.joined 是过去式,译为加入,可以译为参加,整句说成了就顺得多了. C.was in 译为在的意思。但说不通。D.was a member of 译为是一个会员的意思,说法完全错误。整句话翻译:你一直在球队?时间很长了。这是近三年以来我加入团队


since 后面加的是一个时间点
A join in 相当于 take part in 参加,常用于参加某个活动
B join 加入,常指加入团队,组织或者机构
C 和 D 都是表示状态,是可以持续的动作,在这里不合适

joined ,join是及物动词,可以直接接谓语