句型转换.1.There is video shop near here.【改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答】2.I sit on Jack's right and on John's left.【改为同义句】3.She lives 【on Bridge Street】.【对括号部分提问】4.We often go to school 【by bike】.【对括号部分提问】5.To spend weekends in the countryside is very relaxing.【改为同义句】


句型转换.1.There is video shop near here.【改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答】
2.I sit on Jack's right and on John's left.【改为同义句】
3.She lives 【on Bridge Street】.【对括号部分提问】
4.We often go to school 【by bike】.【对括号部分提问】
5.To spend weekends in the countryside is very relaxing.【改为同义句】

答案:1.一般疑问句;【Is there a video shop near here?】

1..肯定回答【Yes,there is.】

1.否定回答;【No,there isn't.】

2.【I sit between Jack and John.】

3.【Where does she live?】

4.【How do you often go to school?】

5.【It is very relaxing to spend weekends in the countryside. 】
【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】


1.Is there a video shop near here? No, there isn't
2.I sit between Jack and John
3.Where does she live?
4.How do you often go to school?
5. It is very relaxing to spend weekend in the countryside.