补全对话:A:What are you ()()() this afternoon?B:I,m going to () some flowers () the garden.A:() do you do that?B:First,dig the().() put the seeds () the soil.A:() should you do then?B:Water them.In several (),you can see it has two () leaves.


补全对话:A:What are you ()()() this afternoon?B:I,m going to () some flowers () the garden.
A:() do you do that?B:First,dig the().() put the seeds () the soil.A:() should you do then?B:Water them.In several (),you can see it has two () leaves.

A:What are you (going)(to)(do) this afternoon?
B:I,m going to (plant) some flowers (in) the garden.
A:(What) do you do that? B:First,dig the(hole).(then) put the seeds (into) the soil.
A:(What) should you do then? B:Water them.In several (days),you can see it has two (small) leaves.

1A: what are you going to do this afternoon? B: I'm going to plant some flowers in the garden.
A:How do you do that?
B: First, dig the hole. Then put the seeds in the soil.
A: what should you do then?
B: Water them. In several hours, you can see it has two grown leaves.

A:What are you (gong )(to )(do ) this afternoon?B:I,m going to (plant) some flowers (in ) the garden.A:(How ) do you do that?B:First,dig the(hole ).(then ) put the seeds (into ) the soil.A:(What ) sh...