英语翻译By irrevocable USD LC payable at 90 days sight issued by a Bank acceptable to Seller' s Bank.Buyer shall bear 90 days interest charge @LIBOR +3% issued by 5 main banks in China starting from the LC issuing date.LC to be issued to Seller not late than 11/6/2012 with T/T.Reimbursement allowed,based on 110% of prevailing market price plus premium as provisional price and allow +/-10% tolerance in unit price and credit amount.


By irrevocable USD LC payable at 90 days sight issued by a Bank acceptable to Seller' s Bank.Buyer shall bear 90 days interest charge @LIBOR +3% issued by 5 main banks in China starting from the LC issuing date.LC to be issued to Seller not late than 11/6/2012 with T/T.Reimbursement allowed,based on 110% of prevailing market price plus premium as provisional price and allow +/-10% tolerance in unit price and credit amount.

由一家为卖方所接受的银行开具不可撤销的、见单90天付款的美元信用证,买方承担自开证之日起,90天的由中国5家国有银行发布的LIBOR (伦敦银行间拆借利率)+3%的利息,信用证须不迟于2012年6月11日开至卖方,允许以T/T电汇方式索偿,基于主要市场价格的110%加额外费用作为临时价格,并且允许单价和信用证的总金额有10%的增减.