英语中表达倍数的用法The enlarged school campus is____the old one.A.as three times big as B.three times as big asC.bigger three times than D.as big as three times求详细的关于表达倍数的用法?厄....我知道选B...我要求详细的倍数的正确例子,.


The enlarged school campus is____the old one.
A.as three times big as B.three times as big as
C.bigger three times than D.as big as three times

B 或者three times bigger/larger than

1. 数词+times+形容词比较级+than:My apple is three times bigger than hers.(四倍.)
2. 数词+times+as+形容词原形+as:.. three ..(三倍)

1、倍数+比较级...(1) 倍数 as...as (意思是“A是B的几倍”.)I am twice as old as he.我的年纪是他的两倍.He earns twice as much as he used to.他比往常多赚二倍的钱.An ordinary subway train,approaching the s...