求一篇大学英语作文,话题有4个,4选1,大侠们自己挑一个擅长的写吧!字数150左右,最好四级水平左右的作文.唯一一个要求:麻烦是自己写的,网上搜的复制粘贴的就不用了!因为时间比较紧,12月7号晚上8点前的有效,时间过了问题就关了.怕到时候问题关了浪费分,有好的作文会再加分!1.traditional Chinese values are replaced quickly by new ones.2.the value of work today3.the idea of privacy to Chinese people4.Work value for different groups of people in society


1.traditional Chinese values are replaced quickly by new ones.
2.the value of work today
3.the idea of privacy to Chinese people
4.Work value for different groups of people in society

Chinese values in transition With China's rapid social and economic development in the past 30 years of reform and opening-up, some traditional Chinese values are being replaced quicly by new ones. ...