英语作文关于每天跑步2000米的支持和反对都可以支持:强身建体,让人精力充沛,头脑敏捷,可以磨砺意志,挑战自我反对:每个人有不同的锻炼方式,天天跑不容易让人感到厌烦,冬季跑步存在安全隐患 80词左右
Benefits of running exercise. Young people are jogging exercise on cardiovascular function, respiratory function and development of great help. Running and there are many types, there are sprint, distance running, such as ultra-long-distance running.跑速different, different from the run, the impact on the human body are also different. Usually long-distance running training is usually early morning or late at night along the road or in the wild environment, this will be in line with air bath, you can cause the brain to rest. On young people, a good training environment change, so that their spirit can be adjusted to direct contact with nature, to learning and social activities in the more energetic, vibrant.
distance running, such as ultra-long-distance running.跑速different, different from the run, the impact on the human body are also different. Usually long-distance running training is usually early morning or late at night along the road or in the wild environment, this will be in line with air bath, you can cause the brain to rest. On young people, a good training environment change, so that their spirit can be adjusted to direct contact with nature, to learning and social activities in the more energetic, vibrant. Young people are jogging exercise on cardiovascular function, respiratory function and development of great help. Running and there are many types
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