阅读短文判断正(T)误(F)A farmer told a doctor,"I think my wife is getting deaf.What can I do "The doctor said,"Well,try to test her hearing.Stand some distance away from her and ask her a question.If she doesn't answer,move a little closer and ask again.Keep repeating this until she answers.By this way we can see whether she has the problem."The farmer went home,saw his wife and said,"Hi honey,what's for dinner " He didn't hear an answer,so he moved closer."Ho


A farmer told a doctor,"I think my wife is getting deaf.What can I do "
The doctor said,"Well,try to test her hearing.Stand some distance away from her and ask her a question.If she doesn't answer,move a little closer and ask again.Keep repeating this until she answers.By this way we can see whether she has the problem."
The farmer went home,saw his wife and said,"Hi honey,what's for dinner " He didn't hear an answer,so he moved closer."Honey,what's for dinner " He repeated this several times,until he was standing right next to her.
Finally ,she answered ,"For the tenth time,I said we were having Pot Roast(焖烧牛肉)."
( )11.The farmer's ears weren't good,so he went to see a doctor.
( )12.The doctor gave the farmer some medicine to eat.
( )13.His wife answered his question from the first time.
( )14.In fact,the farmer's ears were getting deaf.
( )15.The farmer asked the same question eleven times

F I think my wife is getting deaf 我想我的妻子耳聋了F The doctor said,"Well,try to test her hearing.Stand some distance away from her and ask her a question 医生说让他离他的妻子远一些来问她几个问题F "...