一个英语倒装问题so/neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语”so与前面的肯定句呼应,norneither 与后面的否定句呼应.其中的动词形式取决于前一句的动词.表示前者的情况也适用于后者或一者具备两种情况.我不理解(一者具备两种情况)是什么意思,请大家举几个例子,好的话在加50分.一者具备两种情况就解释这个吧,我只要理解这句话,、、、、再次感谢


neither 与后面的否定句呼应.其中的动词形式取决于前一句的动词.表示前

例1(2005全国卷II)Mary never does any reading in the evening,______.
A. so does John B. John does too
C. John doesn’t too D. nor does John
例2(2005湖北省)? Father, you promised!
?Well, ______.But it was you who didn’t keep your word first.
A. so was I B. so did I
C. so I was D. so I did
例3(2005安徽省)?Maggie had a wonderful time at the party.
?______,and so did I.
A. So she had B. So had she
C. So she did D. So did she
考点:句型"so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”与"so+主语+ be动词/助动词/情态动词”的区别。
解析:上面两道题的答案分别为D,C。句型"so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”表示前面肯定句的情况适用与后面的人或物,而句型"so+主语+ be动词/助动词/情态动词”表示对上面提到的情况加以确认,有重复强调之意,常译为“的确如此”,其中的be动词/助动词/情态动词和前面的句子一致。
例4(2005天津市)They have a good knowledge of English but little _____ they know about German.
A. have B. did C. had D. do
例5(2005上海市)Never before ______ in greater need of modern transport than it is today.
A has the city been B. This city has been
C. was this city D. this city was

1. neither用作形容词,表示“(两者)都不”,置于单数名词之前。
Neither article is made in Beijing. 这两种物品都不是北京制造的。
I will participate in neither game. 那两项比赛我都不参加。
We discussed neither subject.这两个问题我们都没有讨论。
提醒注意:在口语中以not... either...替换neither使用的情形也很多。例如:
They bought neither house. = They didn't buy either house. 两间房子他们都没买。
2. neither用作代词,表示“两者都不,双方均不”。例如:
He answered neither of the letters. 他两封信都没回。
She bought two toys, but neither can please the child. 她买了两个玩具,却没有一个能让小孩高兴。
—Which one would you like? 你喜欢哪一个?
—Neither. 两个都不喜欢。
None of us are perfect. 人无完人。

1.肯定句:You are a student. I am , too(= So am I ).
否定句:You are NOT a student. I am not, either (= Neither am I ).
2.肯定句:Zhang ling will leave for Beijing in winter holidays. Liming also go there(=So will Liming ).
否定句: Zhang ling will not leave for Beijing in winter holidays. Liming will not also go there(=Neither will Liming ).
3.肯定句: They can speak Japanese. I can, too( =So can I ).
否定句:They can not speak Japanese. I can, either .( =Neither can I ).
4.肯定句: My deskmate has known his marks. I have known my marks,too.( =So have I )
否定句:My deskmate has not known his marks. I have not known my marks,either.( =Neither have I )

我举例说明一下SO DO I 和NEITHER DO I 的简单的句子吧。记住就回了
1、so do i
B:so do i.(意思是我也帅)
2、neither do i
B:neither do i .(意思是我也不帅)
A:我昨天去购物了(I went shopping yesterday )
B:so did i .(我昨天也去了)

A----Uncle said if he came this week,he would send me a toy.But now he has been sent to U.S.A.study for two years,my toy is gone.
B---Neither is my sweet.