拜托各位英语高手翻译句子!she got the wrong end of the stick.I think we both got our lines crossedI couldn't make head nor tail of what she was saying.这三句句子分别什么意思啊!跪求啊!


拜托各位英语高手翻译句子!she got the wrong end of the stick.I think we both got our lines crossed
I couldn't make head nor tail of what she was saying.这三句句子分别什么意思啊!跪求啊!

she got the wrong end of the stick 她做得(与初衷)南辕北辙。
I think we both got our lines crossed 我想我们都触及了双方的底线
I couldn't make head nor tail of what she was saying.我不知道她到底说了什么。(她前言不对后语)

望采纳 谢谢

get the wrong end of the stick:错误地理解了某事
get ones' lines crossed:(一般指两人)互相不能正确理解
not make head nor tail of:不能理解某事;对某事毫无头绪