Exercise 4.Choose the best word to complete each sentence.


Exercise 4.Choose the best word to complete each sentence.
1.Please _____________ your friends from laughing at my mistakes.
2.Sometimes laughing makes me so relaxed that my __________ goes away.
3.When you laugh for a long time,your heart ___________ goes up.
4.Sometimes I’m laughing so much it’s difficult to ___________.
5.Laughing has a positive _____________ on your health.

prevent 阻止,请不要让你的朋友们笑话我的错误

pain 疼痛/痛苦,有时候笑能够让我放松下来不再感到痛苦

rate 比率,如果你长时间的大笑,你的心率会提高

breathe 呼吸,有时候我笑的太多了,呼吸都困难了

effect 效果,笑对你的健康有积极的效果