帮忙把一些英文词语用英文句子或其他词解释一下memorize 记忆junior 下级advice 忠告review 复习ricite 背诵注:不要造句,是用英文解释一下词的意思


memorize 记忆
junior 下级
advice 忠告
review 复习
ricite 背诵

memorize to commit to memory; learn so as to remember
junior lower in rank or length of service; subordinate
advice recommendation as to appropriate choice of action; counsel
review repeat to study
recite read without original

Memorize - To remember or to learn things off by heart;
Advice - Giving suggestions or recommendations for certain action or choice;
Review - To look over;
Junior - A younger or a lower ranking member; subordinate;
Recite - To say it out load

Memorize不是记忆,是记住.Memory是记忆Memorize - To remember or to learn things off by heart; Advice - Giving suggestions or recommendations for certain action or choice;Review - To look over;Junior - A...

memorize to commit to memory; learn so as to remember
junior lower in rank or length of service; subordinate
advice recommendation as to appropriate choice of action; counsel
review to look at or examine again
是recite repeat from memory