We live in an age____more information is available with greater ease than ever before. ...


We live in an age____more information is available with greater ease than ever before. ...
We live in an age____more information is available with greater ease than ever before.A. whyB. when C. to whom D. on which 答案为B 解释一下其他选项不可以的原因.要详细.!
When = In which 还是At Which啊?

从句意不难看出,定语从句缺的是时间状语(when= in which,意为in the age)
表示时间段可用inin which 等于when,所以选B.when.表示时段不能用on,更不可用to,故排除C.D.why 是表原因的,与语境不符.
关于 when 等于in which 还是at which,就要看不同句子,不同意思了.when 可以等于in which 表时段,如此句; when 也可指代at which,表时点.如果指具体的某一天,它也可以等于on which