


I found the new Alice to be a refreshing view of the original story,which we all know and are over-bored with.It was funny to see how they imagined Wonderland to evolve in time,yet keeping the same fi...有没有简单点的这个应该可以了吧:This is a story book, inside story of tall tales, bizarre and ridiculous;This is a but hundreds of pages of the book, showing just a little girl a long afternoon to meet a variety of impossible animals and humans;It is also a book even seem very ordinary book in the children's book, all roles in the story are talking, all have their own ideas--and hardly any different than any fairy tale story.From beginning to end, the entire story is strange like that.Alice has been inexplicably larger smaller, that was almost drowned their tears;She saw a lot of animals and a lot of people, trying to talk to them, but they are completely normal, and it is not friendly;She has been kept on asking questions, but – regardless of who gave her a sensible answer, but Alice was still believe!All this makes me so to laugh or cry.When Alice while sleepwalking译文:这是一本故事书,里面的故事的故事,离奇可笑的;这是一个对书数百页,显示的只是一个小女孩一个漫长的下午来满足各种不可能的人类和动物;这也是一本书甚至看起来很普通的书在儿童书籍,故事中所有的角色说话,都有自己的想法——没有什么不同的童话故事。从开始到结束,整个故事是奇怪的像。爱丽丝被莫名其妙的大小,那几乎被淹死的泪水;她看见了很多动物,有很多人,试图说服他们,但他们是完全正常的,这是不友好的;她一直不停地问,但–无论谁给了她一个合理的答案,但爱丽丝仍然相信!所有这一切都使我笑或哭。