


it is no doubt that air pollution has a great impact on climate.
it is no doubt that .是毫无疑问的
has a great impact on.对...有很大影响
希望能帮到您 impact 可以换成influence吧?influence多表示对人的影响,还有表示支配,控制 influence on 一般是对……人的影响impact表示强大作用,冲击,通常是用来表述不好的事情,有负面色彩impace on 对…冲击,碰撞;影响可以继续追问如果ok 不要忘记采纳哟1、你是否接受她的邀请与我无关。【has nothing to do with sb.it做形式主语的主语从句】2、你要留意老师所说的话。【宾语从句】3、我不能确定从前是否见过他。【宾语从句】4、我所知道的事他已经从国外安全返回。【表语从句】5、这所著名的大学就是他学习了四年的地方。【表语从句】6、我不相信老师已经出国的消息。【同位语从句】7、我不知道哪个计划是否明年可以实施。【同位语从句】要求翻译1.i thas nothing to do with me whether you accept her invitation or not2. you should pay attention to what your teacher said3. i am not sure whether i saw him before or not4. what i know is that he has go back from aboard safely。5.this famous university is where he studied for 4 years6.i do not belive the news thatthe teacher has go aboard。7. i do not know whether that plan can be carried out or not (最后一个句子 真的是要求改成同位语从句吗?)好累啊 楼主不要忘记采纳最好多给点分数好辛苦啊一个个自己做的祝你学习愉快